Day-13: De-tours

A day full of travel from Mumbai to back home. Life is a journey of a lot of roller-coasters.

One being reminiscing the presence of a lost loved one. You are always in the lower harmonics of thoughts, feelings and emotions when dealing with those and we as infinite beings always desire joy and happiness.

What my heart yearns for ?? I still don’t know but I keep moving on …. 5 months and continuous counting now or maybe not, just a continuous surge to benchmark for the better each day so as to release more vulnerabilities and move ahead with no judgements and a lot of Interesting POVs of self and others.

Keep putting my barriers down each day to enhance the choices of an Infinite being to expand more and more … expansion into what?? When?? Where?? no expectations only expanding into possibilities that life is showcasing now.

Highs and lows continue…… choosing continues and I expand into choosing from possibilities the Universe is sharing…..

About to land now ….. more tomorrow




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